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Space Trucker goes heel!

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Space Trucker goes heel! Empty Space Trucker goes heel!

Post  Space Trucker Wed Nov 17, 2010 3:51 pm

Space Trucker entered his appartment,throwing his gym bag on the floor.
He's breathing fast,his face has turned red and his lips are drawn back to expose his bloodied gums!
Shelly,who was cooking dinner at the time,asked from the kitchen.
"Honey,is that you?"
"Yeah-the same old LOSER ME!" he snarled!
Shelly got out of the kitchen and froze!
ST is in a bad shape-his face is full of bruizes and cuts and blood drips from the side of his mouth.
"Oh my God,what happened?" she asked and moved towards him with her.
ST took a step back,raising his hand.
"Don't touch me,I'm about to explode!" he said.
Shelly lowed her arms and asked softly.
"Rough match?"
ST laughed harshly-there was not the slightest hint of amusent in that laughter!
"The match was fine-the opponent just hated the referee's decision and took it all on me!"
He went to the bar and filled a glass of Jack Daniels.
He flinched as the alcohol burned the bloodied gums.
"The little (censored)-he sucker punched me,as I was ready to congratulate him for a fine match!"
He sat heavily on the sofa and Shelly sat beside him.
"And then?" Shelly asked.
"Then?Then he went berserk-if he could do it in the ring,he could have won,but no...he wanted to play with me and when the plan didn't work,he got mad!"
He turned to Shelly.
"I tell you-if it wasn't for DaWolf,I'd be in the hospital by now!"
He stood up and started yelling!
"What the hell is going wrong with these people anyway?They got no respect for the fans,no respect for the sport,no respect for the opponents.....and yet they get the best slots,the best contracts,the fattest paychecks!"
He turned to Shelly,who was sitting quietly,allowing him to blow some steam off!
"And here I am,doing my thing the proper way and ending up with what?I barely can keep up with the expenses,and people laugh at me!That's right,I tell them I wrestle for a living and they say "What?And you're not rich yet,at your age?"
He sat down again,with all his anger disappearing as his outburst burned all his adrenaline,leaving him tired,frustrated and dissapointed.
"You know..." he turned to Shelly.
"I never did this for the money,all I ever wanted was respect,first my self respect and then of the people"
Shelly looked him in the eyes.
"You know how much I respect you,my love-very few could have return to the ring after an accident as yours and even fewer would do it the way you do,beating guys half your age and full of steroids!"
ST sighed.
"I know I haven't lost your respect Shelly,but you think I haven't noticed the look in your eyes whenever I open the Excel and try to balance the expences with the income?
It's not the life I dreamed for us Shelly-I wanted us to live,not just barely survive!
You may respect me,but I don't respect me anymore and it's about time to start doing something to fix it!"

With these words,he stood up and went to the door.
"Now,ST-don't go and do something you'll regret!" Shelly said worryingly!
"Don't worry honey-others should!" ST said desicively.
"What do you mean?" Shelly insisted.
"I mean that if wannabe "bad" guys,lame kids with bad attitude get the gold,what should a real bad guy get?"
ST laughed harshly and the sound sent chills down Shelly's spine!
"I'm gonna show these (censored) arrogant wannabees,how the game is played!"
With remark he left,slamming the door behind him.
Shelly remained seated,stupified by the turn of events.
"Damn it ST!" she whispered to herself "Don't dare to lose yourself to this stupid job!"

Space Trucker
Space Trucker

Posts : 11
Join date : 2010-10-22

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